Sinnie Housewarming Party @141108
那 不 過 是 床 上 用 品
一 個 女 人 傾 家 蕩 產 跟 男 人 拍 拖 , 先 是 貢 獻 積 蓄 , 接 下 來 貢 獻 股 票 , 再 下 來 斷 了 保 險 , 現 在 連 每 個 月 的 收 入 都 要 貢 獻 一 大 半 , 外 出 吃 飯 不 敢 叫 飲 品 , 日 子 過 得 很 第 三 世 界 。 那 男 人 還 諸 多 不 滿 。 女 人 覺 得 很 迷 茫 , 問 我 該 怎 麼 辦 。 我 也 覺 得 很 迷 茫 啊 ! 這 有 甚 麼 好 問 的 ? 喜 歡 第 三 世 界 生 活 的 , 就 繼 續 在 那 兒 做 救 世 主 好 了 ; 哪 天 不 爽 了 , 想 回 文 明 世 界 了 , 就 一 腳 把 那 件 床 上 用 品 踢 出 街 外 。 別 怪 我 直 率 , 我 不 認 為 那 是 「 男 朋 友 」 , 如 果 這 也 算 拍 拖 , 那 真 是 對 愛 情 的 褻 瀆 。 我 們 就 別 再 掛 羊 頭 賣 狗 肉 了 , 直 接 說 那 是 一 件 床 上 用 品 好 了 。 我 說 話 直 率 是 有 道 理 的 , 愛 情 有 愛 情 的 法 則 , 交 易 有 交 易 的 規 矩 。 為 了 愛 情 , 別 說 傾 家 蕩 產 , 把 命 送 上 都 甘 之 如 飴 , 有 回 報 固 然 好 , 沒 有 , 則 感 謝 世 上 有 一 個 人 , 讓 你 如 此 這 般 愛 過 。 這 是 愛 情 的 法 則 。 至 於 交 易 , 就 要 衡 量 商 品 價 格 和 商 品 價 值 是 否 相 符 了 。 分 期 按 揭 , 用 一 生 最 好 的 黃 金 年 華 35 載 去 換 一 間 房 子 , 值 不 值 得 , 見 仁 見 智 。 可 是 床 上 用 品 , 即 使 那 是 世 上 最 好 的 床 上 用 品 , 也 要 量 力 而 為 吧 ? 傾 家 蕩 產 , 降 低 生 活 質 素 , 只 為 了 一 場 好 夢 ? 未 免 太 貴 。 很 多 人 覺 得 迷 茫 , 那 是 因 為 他 們 首 先 沒 搞 清 楚 自 己 想 要 甚 麼 , 想 做 甚 麼 , 明 明 想 談 戀 愛 , 結 果 搞 成 一 筆 交 易 ; 明 明 是 一 筆 交 易 , 卻 自 欺 欺 人 想 找 到 戀 愛 的 感 覺 。 愛 情 就 是 愛 情 , 交 易 就 是 交 易 , 把 事 情 弄 清 楚 了 , 才 決 定 下 一 步 該 怎 麼 辦 吧 。
Finally, I really find a house at Kung tong la...^___^
I really feel so happy, The house is small but so nice & feel so comfortable....
I really like it so MUCH! Thanks GOD & 婆婆 a lot!
Thanks all my friends, I can feel it they really care me & love me!
Hope i can have a new life there! =) Hehee.......
I really feel so happy, The house is small but so nice & feel so comfortable....
I really like it so MUCH! Thanks GOD & 婆婆 a lot!
Thanks all my friends, I can feel it they really care me & love me!
Hope i can have a new life there! =) Hehee.......
It's Amazing ...
JEM - It's Amazing
Do it now
You know who you are
You feel it in your heart And your burning and wishing
At 1st wait,it won't be on a plate
Your gonna have to work for it harder and harder
And I know cause i've been there before
Knocking on door with rejection (rejection)
And you'll see cause if its ment to be
Nothing can compare to deserving your dream
It's amazing its amazing all that you can do
Its amazing it makes my heart sing
Now its up to you
Pactents now frustration in the air
And people who dont care
Well its gonna get you downAnd you'll fall (fall)
Yes you will hit a wall
And Get back up on your feet
And you'll be stronger and smarter
And i know i've been there before
Knocking down door wont take no for an answer
And you'll see cause if its ment to be
Nothing can compare to deserving your dream
It's amazing its amazing all that you can do
Its amazing it makes my heart sing
Now its up to you....
Do it now
You know who you are
You feel it in your heart And your burning and wishing
At 1st wait,it won't be on a plate
Your gonna have to work for it harder and harder
And I know cause i've been there before
Knocking on door with rejection (rejection)
And you'll see cause if its ment to be
Nothing can compare to deserving your dream
It's amazing its amazing all that you can do
Its amazing it makes my heart sing
Now its up to you
Pactents now frustration in the air
And people who dont care
Well its gonna get you downAnd you'll fall (fall)
Yes you will hit a wall
And Get back up on your feet
And you'll be stronger and smarter
And i know i've been there before
Knocking down door wont take no for an answer
And you'll see cause if its ment to be
Nothing can compare to deserving your dream
It's amazing its amazing all that you can do
Its amazing it makes my heart sing
Now its up to you....
Just saw all the truth last night!
What can i do? !?? I think no reason to stay again...
What can i do? !??
Just saw all the truth last night!
What can i do? !?? I think no reason to stay again...
What can i do? !??
Easter China Massage Trip
This firday night before Easter hoilday.......
I date OVAL all staffs clubbing at TST~
I really miss them so much la................
After that, I back w/ Noel & Marie bb.........
Wow wow wow....really so so so happy ar....
We go to china to try a new massage centre...
called “水立方”...There really so grand & nice...
Just opened 3 months only!!!
I really like china ar......hahaha =)
Funny SingK night

Haha..long time no update my blog la....
coz quite busy, tried & unhappy recently.....
Busy & tried for the samsung caravan design & my own job la....
Unhappy.....sure because for him..................
But so lucky that i have chu b & sam b.........
They always make me feel so happy & funny...
=) Thanks a lot ar 2 babe!!!
霧地異煞 (The Mist)不可錯過好睇過好多大片

呢個故事有好大既教訓... 就係自作自受...
為什麼要打開空間放一些怪物出來呢...? 是軍人和科學家的錯...
其實所有野都無"為什麼"... 不過主角真係好慘嫁...
之後仲要親手殺死自己個仔... (因為佢應承左個仔唔可以將佢落入怪物手上)
無奈......唉...... 有好多人都會話如果主角無拎到支槍就好啦...
如果多一粒子彈就好啦... 如果d軍隊早d到就好啦...
鬥鬥鬥影相仔 Forum destroyer
Wah kakaka ^O^
Yesterday, I was Destroyed JimJim 's 鬥鬥鬥影相仔 Forum!
Wahakkaa.........I vote jimjim's photo for over 30 times on net............
Then suddently, the forum can't login & refresh!
Wah kakaa........It was destroyed me.................
Kaka...so funny ^______________________^
Yesterday, I was Destroyed JimJim 's 鬥鬥鬥影相仔 Forum!
Wahakkaa.........I vote jimjim's photo for over 30 times on net............
Then suddently, the forum can't login & refresh!
Wah kakaa........It was destroyed me.................
Kaka...so funny ^______________________^
Kiss Kiss Babe

Winnie is my best best friend in the world!
She is just wedding w/ Ming at last year 2007.
Now, she have a cute cute babe & moved into a new house...
So, all her good sister including me....went to her new house
to visit her & her babe...
Hehe...her babe is 4 months now!!!
I think after few months...babe will coming soon......^oo^
I am waiting this day coming ar...coz I like babe so much.....
Hope Winnie's babe will very cute cute & healthy la..........
If the babe is girl b...It must be great! coz i like girl more than boy lor....
I must love love her so much ar.....wah kakaaa...........
& I must always kiss kiss kiss her ja...^_________^
Come on...my cute cute babe.....

At Chinese New year3 ,爆姐& me went to china massage...
Wow~ What a wonderful & relax day....
First, We went to shopping at CWB then high tea at "Tusi Wah"
Then we take MTR to china ...we start message at 12:00am
Then we eat eat eat & watch TV until 3:00am.... Haha ha^^
Keke....we wake up at 1:00pm tomorrow afternoon......
afterward we take taxi to eat MY飛佛...WoW...wow...wow....
Everytime when i go to china, I must eat MY飛佛...........^OO^
It's a spicy beef w/ some 青瓜....wow....it's really really GOOD!
Hope that i can take all my friends to go to eat MY飛佛 la...=)
Chanel Mobile Art

Chanel Mobile Art @ Hong Kong
Hong Kong really is a Lucky Place!!!
Chanel choose HK to be the first place to set up this exhibition!
Let's us can see what is DESIGN & ARCHITECTUAL.
I like Zaha Hadid when i was study exhibition design.
I like her free form & curve architecture design,
Very spacious & Futureistic...
Inside the exhibition, everyone need to listening the mp3.
In this mp3, there have a mystery woman sound to
guide you walk over the exhibition, such like a strory.
Finally, we can write down our wish on the paper to
rope on the tree....
After saw this exhibition. Really inspired me a lot!
I hope i can see this exhibition once again!!! =)
Thanks all woman who were brought the Chanel Bag before!!!

奪超越30項電影大獎 國際影評人見人讚
繼《陽光小小姐》後,另一部獲獎無數、好評滿分、劇本睿智、對白精警的喜劇代表作《Juno少女孕記》,電影中總是忽發奇想,開口埋口夭心夭肺的16歲懷孕少女Juno,更已成為當今美國最具時代意義的潮流Icon,你一定要識!在這個美國電影頒獎禮季節,《Juno少女孕記》已累積超過30個獎項,屢獲「最佳電影」、「最佳原創劇本」、「最佳女主角」等大獎,更有望揚威金球獎和奧斯卡。電影上映以來,亦贏得國際影評人一致叫好,在Yahoo電影網站的平均分達A-,在權威影評網站Rotten Tomatoes更難得地獲得94%好評!一肚獨大 作動全世界好奇心挑逗,16歲少女Juno與同學仔初嘗性滋味,點知就咁搞大咗!對住面青青的父母、眼光光的經手人,Juno唯有自行「放盤」,透過分類廣告為腹中塊肉尋找一主好人家!就這樣,Juno與一眾身邊人集體經歷懷胎10月,彼此之間的關係出現意想不到的失調、作動與陣痛,每個人都由此孕育了自己的「新生命」……這段少女「孕」記妙趣橫生、哭笑難分,肯定一世難忘!
I saw w/ perdo last night. I don't think so actually -______-.Just OK lor....not a very good movie.
So free ^^
Moday & today also nothing to do wor...keke
So free~~~Can back home early & sleep early la...
I slept at 12:00 last nigth, My skin is feel so good today!~ ^____^
So free~~~Can back home early & sleep early la...
I slept at 12:00 last nigth, My skin is feel so good today!~ ^____^
OT OT OT.....
OT OT OT OT OT.....Where is my weekend?
OT at Sat & Sun, I lost my weekend hoilday...>_<
Why I always need to OT? Why other people no need?
Why why why???
I feel so so so tried la......-__________-!!!!!!!
OT at Sat & Sun, I lost my weekend hoilday...>_<
Why I always need to OT? Why other people no need?
Why why why???
I feel so so so tried la......-__________-!!!!!!!

推薦大家去看看ar ~ ^^
推薦大家去看看ar ~ ^^
This weekend, he was disappear again.
I can't find in these two days.
No one listen the mobile phone.
Until sunday min-night, i was phone him 100 times...
Still no one listen...i think he tranfer to other ppl's mobile...
then i was phone his home...He was listen finally...
but...but......................................what can i say?!???
ha ha...-______-
I can't find in these two days.
No one listen the mobile phone.
Until sunday min-night, i was phone him 100 times...
Still no one listen...i think he tranfer to other ppl's mobile...
then i was phone his home...He was listen finally...
but...but......................................what can i say?!???
ha ha...-______-
happy & unhappy
Last day, my little brother buy a gift for me............
It is a cute cute beauty clothing....I love so much....
Thanks my little brother...I am so happy =)..............
and thanks alan go to message w/ me last night...=)
and also thanks his gift tooo...i am so happy after that...
but, i have a bad dinner time..................=(
No flower, no gift, no one care....Nothing!!!
It is a cute cute beauty clothing....I love so much....
Thanks my little brother...I am so happy =)..............
and thanks alan go to message w/ me last night...=)
and also thanks his gift tooo...i am so happy after that...
but, i have a bad dinner time..................=(
No flower, no gift, no one care....Nothing!!!
Valentine's Day
14. 2 . 2008 Happy Valentine's Day
I really wanna have a Happy Valentine's Day...
When i can have a Happy Valentine's Day?!???
Recently, we happen a lot of things....................
The secret phone, poor wedding party, coal mine trip,
his crazy busy works, his crazy boss.....
Make him feel so sad & also make me feel so down... =(
Hope i can have a Happy Valentine's Day in 2008!
I really wanna have a Happy Valentine's Day...
When i can have a Happy Valentine's Day?!???
Recently, we happen a lot of things....................
The secret phone, poor wedding party, coal mine trip,
his crazy busy works, his crazy boss.....
Make him feel so sad & also make me feel so down... =(
Hope i can have a Happy Valentine's Day in 2008!
It's really out of my Imagination.
Prepared it for few days, feel so tried now!
I really try my best to do the best!
It's make me know that design really can out of my Imagination.
Whatever the result is good or not.
I think it's really a very good expenience for me!
Thanks God! Thanks a lot!
Prepared it for few days, feel so tried now!
I really try my best to do the best!
It's make me know that design really can out of my Imagination.
Whatever the result is good or not.
I think it's really a very good expenience for me!
Thanks God! Thanks a lot!
VTC Revision 10 Times laaaaa.......
VTC Revision 10 Times laaaaa.......
Crazy crazy crazy crazy ga................
Crazy crazy crazy crazy ga................
I choose Money $$$ finally!
I just phone to her after lunch. I rejected her to go there.
I choose money finally!$$$
I give up my dream - 5days. =(
but, I trust that's the best choice for me.....
I need money...i need to save more money in this stage.
Thanks god help me to choose!
I choose money finally!$$$
I give up my dream - 5days. =(
but, I trust that's the best choice for me.....
I need money...i need to save more money in this stage.
Thanks god help me to choose!
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